Recovering a Stuck Xbee

Recently I was using Digi Xbee modules for a project, and while updating the firmware with XCTU, the firmware load halted. I unplugged and replugged the USB connection, restarted XCTU, but nothing worked. I connected to the module with TeraTerm set at 115200, only to see the following:

Gecko Bootloader v1.8.1-RF (4144-01)

  1. upload gbl

  2. run

  3. ebl info
    BL >

Restarting the module didn’t do anything. To get the module out of this stuck condition, I started XCTU. Using Tools : Recover a Radio Module, I was able to select the module and firmware version. This tool worked and allowed my module to work again. Be sure to exit out of TeraTerm for that COM port first though.

Derek Smith